Part 43: Bonus Chapter #2: Wind and Thunder
Bonus Chapter 2: Wind and Thunder

Were heading back into New Mystery for this one. This is the first of the DLC bonus maps, but Im playing it second. The order doesnt matter, they arent at all related to each other. This takes place between the two games, as they all do.

Elrean doesnt appear in Shadow Dragon, but hes one of Merrics classmates. His specialty is Thoron, which is way lamer than Excalibur.

Rude as hell, Merric.

Heeding Merrics words will be important...briefly. Youll see. For now, lets go over our characters for this map. Elrean (Now officially localized as Arlen thanks to the Heroes poll) is a pretty standard Mage. Hes the second beefiest of our units, and 22 is a pretty good ATK score, so hell be seeing quite a bit of use. That second item he has, Aries, just passively buffs his Skill and Luck by 1. Hooray?

Merric himself doesnt have the same punch Elrean does, but he does still have Excalibur. Thats going to be quite helpful.

Linde, unfortunately, is just not that great on this map. Shes still got great attack power thanks to Aura, but shes slow and made of tissue paper, and one extra damage over Elrean isnt a great trade off.

Etzel forgot to bring a cool Tome and thus has the lowest damage on the team, despite his high Magic stat, but his Heal staff is super useful, and hes tanky enough to eat a hit or two where the others cant.

There are quite a few enemies on the way, most of them of the Hard Hitting variety. Great. The Fire Dragons dont appear in Shadow Dragon, but theyre pretty much just Manaketes.

There are also a ton of treasures littered around the map to be pilfered, if we can scrounge up the keys.

The actual goal is to lead our gang of mages through this building, out the top entrance, across the courtyard, and into the top left area.

Thats where the boss Heretic Bishop is waiting. But, keep in mind, this is a Rout Enemy map, so every enemy must die for a victory.

Time to finally get this show on the road. Elrean is tanking the first hit, because Etzel couldnt walk that far already.

Elrean dishes out a lot of damage, but you can see that our teams defenses are going to be an issue.

With the myrmidon approaching as well, I pivot Elrean around the Barbarian to get in his range for the next attack, and heal him up with Etzels staff. Its a good idea to push into the building quickly so you have some room for an upcoming surprise.

Im not going to show all the level ups/item drops in the Bonus map, but hey, this is something.

Despite his decent speed, Elrean still gets doubled. He also doesnt quite kill this guy. Someone at IntSys probably thought this was hilarious.
More importantly, at the end of the second turn, something happens...

Feenas a dancer, she doesnt show up in Shadow Dragon. That other guy, however

Oh, hey, Ive heard of you.

I love that his portrait actually just disappears.

Nerve successfully stricken.

I really like the mental image of Michalis, usurper king of the Dragon Country, holding a giant lance, sitting on his wyvern and saying AS IF!

Well, well worry about them later. Linde seems to think shes that other guy, but I dont see any Aethers coming from her.

Merrics battle quote is rather unimpressed. (Weve already had three screenshots of someone just saying ...)

So, Feenas joined the team now, and shes awful in combat. Anything here well probably kill her in a single round. Dont let her near any enemies. She does have a talent, though, being a Dancer.

Michalis breaks this map into tiny pieces. Holy shit. Almost nothing here can damage him in any significant manner. 20 Defense, 22 Speed, and 33 attack. This is gross.

Feenas Dance command, while eating up her turn, lets her allow any other unit to move again. I use it to get Michalis in position to lure the two ranged enemies in this area.

Holy shit.

Reinforcements arrive immediately though, and this looks bad. Or, at least it does if we dont consider that Michalis is the human embodiment of a wrecking ball.

After this, Feena just dances for him one square south of his current position.

There, both of the attackers on the left side are done for and Michalis has formed a chokepoint. Theres still a danger to the southwest, though. These werent the only Turn 3 reinforcements.

God. Wyverns blow. Wyverns are basically Manaketes with twelve points of movement. And they fly. We wont see them in Shadow Dragon, but they pop up in this game sometimes. Thankfully, the game has given us a hammer for this terrifying nail.

While Im waiting for the Wyverns, might as well have a friendly chat.

Etzes able to tank the last Sand Clan myrmidon down here, but well have more pressing issues to deal with soon.

Why yes, the Wyverns CAN reach us already.

Linde cleans up the myrmidon while Etzel gets into position for the incoming wyverns. Merric takes the furthest left spot in that attack range, where he can only be hit by one of them. That way I should be able to take them out a little faster.

Uh, Michalis just stands there.

So this is why Merrics good here. These are flying units, so Excalibur is a one shot kill. Just like in the main game of New Mystery, Merric is a great answer to the wyvern problem.

The other enemies are also starting to move now.

Thankfully, Michalis (and Feena) are pretty much ready to solo the rest of the map.

On his turn, Merric takes a Wyvern down again, leaving only one alive.

Linde and Elrean team up and down it, while blocking the enemy path to the now critically injured wind mage.

Thankfully, forcing these barbarians to split their attentions between Elrean and Etzel keeps everyone alive.

Theres only one enemy left down here, the Fire Dragon. Etzel sets it up

And also knocks it down, thanks to this random (but appreciated) crit!

The map is over. I know you see enemies, but the map is over.

Thanks for the chest keys.

Please, hold my chest keys.

Alright, back to work.
I wasnt kidding when I talked about how broken Michalis is here. Its kinda fun to play with such a powerful unit, but it sorta defeats the purpose of the all-mage challenge map when the super Dracoknight shows up and just starts wrecking shit. At least they can still open the chests.

This is okay, I guess. Its a Vulnerary that heals you to full HP. Cool, but you probably wont need it on this map.

Whats he even doing here?

Another really cool item thats...not good on this map? I guess Feena could use it?

The Lady Sword is E rank with major Might and only usable by women. Feena could use it, but Michalis already one rounds everything.

Michalis could use this, but he already one rounds everything.

This is a worse Excalibur. I dont know why its here.

Anyway, the boss.


Definitely us, with no help, just us mages.

Good luck not reading all Elreans lines with a British accent now.

Him being dead probably helps with that.

Oh no, this again.

I really like this scene, because, as you learn in FE12, emotions and overstimulating emotions is sorta Gharnefs gimmick, and it makes him a way cooler villain.

Bonus Content

Successor of the Super Magic, Merric